Police dog in Yunnan ‘criticized’ by training base for four straight weeks

A police dog recently attracted people's attention on China's social media for being criticized for wrongdoing in weekly reports by the training base for four consecutive weeks.
Its misconducts included incidents such as instigating fights and urinating on fellow dogs' beds, according to the WeChat account of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau in Southwest China's Yunnan Province on Friday.
"I feel so embarrassed at the base because of 110's bad behavior," joked 110's handler, referring to the consecutive reports.
The dog is named "110," because it was born on the eve of January 10, 2024, China's Police Day, and 110 is the emergency number in Chinese mainland.
The report urged 110 and its handlers to pay close attention, correct their attitudes and quickly make improvements, so that they could enter the new year's work with a refreshed state of mind.
Despite its mischievous tendencies, 110 takes its work seriously. Thanks to its sharp hearing and sense of smell, it is consistently the first to respond when the police siren blares, which has become its special skill.